Honors & Awards

Committee Chair
Dana Bates
Committee Members
Michael Morikawa
Brynelle Shafer
Taylor Schroeder
OATS Hall of Fame
Read Honorees' Bios >
Class of 2022
Shelly Jones and Erik Kautzky
Class of 2021
Greg Hill
Class of 2019
Kathi Stotts
Class of 2018
Erin Cramer, Cari Wood
Class of 2012
Dave Sherden
Class of 2011
Tara Lepp
Class of 2010
Jim Wallis
Class of 2009
Deborah Cagle
Inaugural class of 2007
Dean Adams
NWATA Hall of Fame, NATA 25 year award-1997
Russ Cagle
NATA BOC president from 1998-2002
Richard Irvin
NWATA Hall of Fame
Ken Kladnik
NWATA Hall of Fame, NATA Most
Distinguished Athletic Trainer-1997
Jerry Krummel
NWATA Service Award
Purpose Statement:
The Honor and Awards Committee for the Oregon Athletic Training Society will make recommendations to the Executive Board related to the awards that include: Hall of Fame; Service; Young Professional; Golden Pillar and Ally. The Honor and Awards Committee will be responsible for reviewing current system of recognition, application review and changes, assess the selection criteria and amend the evaluation process as deemed necessary.
We are now accepting nominations for 5 OATS Honor and Awards.
OATS Hall of Fame
OATS Young Professional Award
OATS Ally Award
OATS Athletic Training Service Award
Golden Pillar Award
Nominations for all awards are due by February 1st each year. Awards presented at the District meeting.
CONGRATULATIONS to those who have been honored for their dedication to the profession of Athletic Trainers as well as the Oregon Athletic Trainers Society! The service and leadership they have provided are greatly appreciated and we are honored and privileged to be following in their foot steps. Thank these mentors for all their hard work!
Awards Nomination Forms and Information >
NATA Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer
2013 Mark Hoffman, Tara Lepp
NATA Preceptor Award
2020 Shelley Jones
NATA Distinguished Athletic Trainer
Cari Wood
NATA SSATC D10 Athletic Trainer of the Year
Kari Cunningham
NWATA Hall of Fame
2018 Carri Wood
NWATA District Directors Award
2012 Jim Wallis
NWATA Service Award
2017 Greg Hill
2015 Jennifer Krug
2015 Heather Halseth
2010 Jim Wallis, Bryce Gillespie
2009 Jerry Krummel
2006 Shelly Jones
Educator Award (eliminated after 2010)
2010 Dale Isaak, George Fox
2009 Mark Hoffman, Oregon State Univ.
2007 Dave Sherden, Franklin High School
2006 Greg Hill, Linfield
OATS Service Award
2023 Marlee Hansen
2022 Jeffery Kawaguchi
2021 Jennifer Krug
2020 Sam Johnson
2019 Greg Hill
OATS Ally Award
2023 Ryan Petering
2022 Fraser Horn and Jessica Russell
2021 Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists
James Chesnutt
2020 Richard Lotz
2019 Dr. Brad Butler and Dr. Michael Koester
2018 Dr. Mark Colville
OATS Young Professional Award
2023 Taylor Whitter
2022 Brynelle Shaffer and Ashlee McKay
2021 Megan Sutley
2019 Ryan Rockwood
2018 Dustin Girard
Golden Pillar
2023 George Hollmann
2022 Grace Golden
2021 Louis Osternig and Mike Stevenson
2020 Bryan Painter