Young Professionals
Committee Members
Briana N. Harrah, MS, LAT, ATC
Setting: Secondary School
Madeline Elliassen, MS, LAT, ATC
Setting: Collegiate/University
Kaylie Bansen, MS, LAT, ATC
Setting: Collegiate/University
Jon Skau, MS, LAT, ATC
Setting: Secondary School
Elyssa Rose, MS, LAT, ATC
Setting: Collegiate/University
OATS YPC Mission
The mission of the OATS Young Professionals’ Committee (YPC) is to serve athletic trainers in Oregon during their first 12 years after initial certification/licensure by identifying and addressing current and potential issues relevant to young professional needs. This committee will provide a voice for YPs and promote professional socialization.
The vision of the OATS YPC is to serve as a valuable resource for those that are transitioning to practice and those within their first 12 years of initial certification by providing the most up to date content on issues that impact YPs
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