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Award Nominations

Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame is the highest honor offered by Oregon Athletic Trainers’ Society (OATS) in recognition to Athletic Trainers who have made significant contribution at the state level. Individuals inducted into the Hall of Fame must exemplify the mission of OATS by enhancing the quality of health care provided by athletic trainers, and advancing the athletic training profession with such qualities as leadership, service, dedication, scholarly activities and professionalism. The nominee has been recognized as having made significant, lasting contributions that enhance the quality of health care provided by athletic trainers and advance the profession. This award is given to Athletic Trainers who have shown meritorious service to OATS, made contributions to the improvement of the athletic training profession in the state of Oregon, and provided superior service to the Oregon Athletic Training Society.


HOF Eligibility Criteria
  • OATS member, minimum of 15 years practicing as an Athletic Trainer in Oregon.

  • Nominated by a certified member in OATS.

  • Members may be nominated more than once.

Deadline & Procedures:

  • All documents must be completed and returned to the committee chair by February 1st of the nominating year: nomination form

  • Award recipient will be recognized at the OATS Annual Business Meeting


Click HERE for the HOF nomination form.


Service Award

The Athletic Training Service Award recognizes a certified athletic trainer for their continued efforts, dedication, and contributions toward the promotion, betterment and advancement of the profession in the State of Oregon.

Any certified member of the Oregon Athletic Trainers’ Society.


  • All documents must be completed and returned to the committee chair by February 1st of the nominating year: nomination form

  • Award recipient will be recognized at the OATS Annual Business Meeting


The selection committee encourages the nominator to review the award and its criteria before submitting the nomination. The nominator will initiate, collect, and be responsible for the gathering and submission of materials. We encourage recommendations be a concise and descriptive narrative of the nominee as he or she fits the award description. We also encourage collaboration with other writers of support in a “team” approach to ensure all perspectives and information are included.  Winners will be selected by the OATS’ Honors and Awards Committee. The nominator will be contacted by a member of the Committee once nomination has been completed or to request any additional information if deemed necessary.

Click HERE for the Service Award nomination form.


Young Professional

This award is a unique to OATS Young Professionals. This is a meritorious award designed to recognize those with no more than 12 years in the profession that encompasses the depth and breadth of the nominee’s character, clinical skills/knowledge/abilities, and selfless service: 

  • The nominee embodies and contributes to the ideas, goals, and mission of OATS 

  • The nominee has demonstrated a high level of service, professionalism, and competence in their place of work. 

  • The nominee maintains the highest level of honor, respect, and integrity in their professional setting and to the community. 

  • The nominee has demonstrated initiative, leadership, and ability to inspire other professionals where the profession has directly benefited 

  • The nominee demonstrates extracurricular activities, work-life balance, and time management skills 

YP Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be member of the Oregon Athletic Trainer’s Society.

  • Must be a certified member or certified student member.

  • Must have been a member of OATS for a minimum of ONE CALENDAR YEAR prior to nomination.

  • Must be considered “young professional” at time of nomination (having been certified no more than 12 years).

  • An athletic trainer may not be awarded twice.

  • A nominator may nominate only one athletic trainer per year.


Click HERE for the YP nomination form.


Ally Award

The Athletic Training Ally Award is meant to recognize an individual or organization that promotes and supports the athletic training profession by providing services that lead to the betterment of health care for the physically active population or the advocacy and advancement of the AT Profession. This could include, but not limited to:

  • Promotion of health and safety,

  • Advocating for ATs,

  • Participation in important legislation,

  • Education or mentorship of ATs.


Ally Award Eligibility Criteria

The nominee may be any individual or organization that supports the profession of athletic training in the State of Oregon. Examples might include licensed medical providers, legislators, safety advocates, athletic trainers or other supporters of athletic training in the State of Oregon.


Click HERE for the Ally Award nomination form.

Golden Pillar Award

The Athletic Training Golden Pillar Award is meant to recognize an individual who demonstrated exceptional commitment, dedication, and devotion to their patients, community, and profession over an extended period of time.  


Golden Pillar Eligibility Criteria

Any certified member of the Oregon Athletic Trainers’ Society who has demonstrated the following:

  • The nominee must have been a member of OATS for 15 years

  • The nominee must have been BOC certified for a minimum of 20 years (special considerations will be given for deceased or retired members who do not meet this requirement)

  • The nominee has made significant contributions to the athletic training profession and the local community.


Click HERE for the Golden Pillar Award nomination form.

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